Many new models and actors get confused about the difference between a comp card, aka composite cards are and what a portfolio is. How does a model use them? To put it simply, a composite card is one sheet of about 4-5 photos (including one main headshot) of the model or actor.
The photos on a composite card will typically be very versatile, showing different looks or angles for the model. The comp card also will include one main headshot, as well information on the models’ measurements and characteristics like height, weight, hair and eye color as well as contact information. The composite card is usually used as almost like a “business card” or resume for a model.
A portfolio is a collection of many different photos of a model, and also includes tear sheets from any print work that the model has done. A model’s composite card is typically included in the portfolio. As opposed to a composite card being just one sheet, a portfolio is generally presented in a portfolio case that displays the photos in a book format, with pages that are generally 9 1/2″X12 1/2″ in size.
For modeling in 2020 and beyond, modeling agencies typically generate and use only digital comp cards and online portfolios for their talent. At The Studio Miami, our talent can get digital access to a web profile and comp card to showcase when seeking agencies.